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Right Track News - March 2022

On the Right Tract to Learning Success... Right Track News! March 2022 - Mrs. Kiley & Mrs. Mechell's Pre-K Class


We need your help. We are teaching your children to be independent. Please allow your child to remove items from his/her bookbag and place them in the appropriate bin. Also, please all your child to hang up backpack and place jacket in cubby.

March Birthdays: None

This Month's Themes:

  • Dr. Seuss 
  • Spring

Kindergarten Expectations Workshop:

We will sponsor a Kindergarten Expectations workshop. It will take place on April 19th, from 5:30 - 6:30 at the Autrey Center.

*This is a mandatory workshop. Each registered student must have a representative in attendance. 

Upcoming Events:

Thursday, March 17th
Field Trip

* We will need volunteers for this event. Please see sign-up sheet.

March 21-25
Spring Break - No School

Wednesday, April 13th
Easter Egg Hunt & Party

April 14-15
Easter Break

Alabama Public Television Readiness Training
Tuesday, April 19th
5:30 - 6:30
Location: Autrey Center 
* Mandatory Training